Hello there, my name is

John Derr

And I leverage Strategic Clinical Technology to transition Healthcare Corporations and Provider Organizations to Person- Centered Value-Based Care.

I am seeking a Board of Director position where we can influence the successful transition to Person Centered, Value-Based Care.

US Healthcare is in Transition

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have stated a goal to have all beneficiaries covered under an accountable or value-based care arrangement by 2030.

What this means:

That means that as of today, January 1, 2024, for those of us working in Healthcare, we now have six short years to transition our Clinical Technology Workflows from Fee-For-Service (FFS) to Value-Based Care (VBC) payment models.

Why transition:

We have just six years to move from a Provider-Centric Model to a truly Person-Centric Care Model. We need to make this change to succeed in this new environment CMS is creating. Even more, we need to make this change for each person that needs to use our healthcare system in the coming years.


Individual, longitudinal, holistic care plan with a focus not only on care but on an individual’s quality of life.

How I can help:

One simple example of the kind of guidance I can help with is: We have a need to move from multiple patient portals (one for each provider) to one single portal that provides a focus on the total person (holistic) and presents their data longitudinally for wellness and prevention. I have assisted two organizations in their consideration of how to create such a portal. Even more important, in a Board or Advisor position, I can help in early-stage assessment of ideas across the entire spectrum of care.

Together we make a difference:

Together, we can create strategic plans to take advantage of this changing environment for success now and in the future.

John Derr, RPh, FASCP

The expertise to help you transition to Value-Based Healthcare

I have a depth and breadth of experience in most facets of healthcare (business, clinical, national, and stakeholder associations) which provides unique overall knowledge in helping in the transition to the new person centric holistic, longitudinal Value Based Care system of care. The following are samplings of my leadership and involvement in the evolution of the long-term post-acute care space:

My Leadership and Involvement Advantage

LTPAC Spectrum of Care Advocate

A proven advocate for LTPAC providers/vendors and other healthcare programs

Established Networking in LTPAC

Established networking with major LTPAC stakeholder organizations

Strategic Visionary

A Strategic Visionary built on market research, and market planning capability

Research and Management Support

Represented pharmacy in chronic care research organizations and medication management

Strategic Planner with Successful Implementation

Written strategic plans with stakeholder approval and carried through successful implementation

Breadth of Healthcare Experience

Successfully worked with and represented most healthcare market segments including hospitals, pharmacy, physician office, clinics, nursing homes, assisted living, CMS Regulatory and Federal Government

Entrepreneur with Progressive Management

Achieved progressive management with full P&L responsibility including the building and management product teams and the start-up of seven companies and/or Fortune 100 Corporate Divisions

Leadership Team Development

Formed management teams and have led organizations large and small both structured and matrixes

“To compete in tomorrow’s healthcare market, both the Person and the Provider must establish a mutually agreed comprehensive Strategic Plan with a focus on the role they will play not only today, but in 2030” - John Derr

The NinthWave ConceptTM

Developing future strategies based on projections of the new world of healthcare

I am the Founder of The NinthWave ConceptTM and apply this concept to recognize clinical technology and business healthcare trends as well as the direction of Legislative and Regulatory agencies policy in healthcare. The result is to project and plan the corporation's Strategy to the end objective. The Ninth-WaveTM of opportunity that is more significant than all others. Identifying and riding the NinthWaveTM requires knowledge, experience, data, and analytics.

Learn More

A Wave of Opportunity: How I can help


In my many years of Healthcare hands-on “C” Level experience I have been involved in many NinthWaveTM Opportunities including: A Pharmaceutical Treatment enabling the closing of the Large Mental Hospitals; Marketing Technology to enhance diagnostics; and more recently at President Bush’s 2004 Executive Memo (EM) Press Conference to Digitize Healthcare Information Technology.  In 2004, when then Secretary Thompson asked me to coordinate Long-Term Care Health IT The NinthWaveTM of opportunity was created. In 2009 President Obama enhanced built on the Digitization of healthcare with the passing of the HITECH ACT which increased the NinthWaveTM of opportunity. Much to the distress of the Long-Term Post Acute Care (LTPAC) Person and Provider segment of care, LTPAC was eliminated from the NinthWaveTM of funding provided by the HITECH Act.

What is the next NinthWaveTM opportunity? ANSWER: It is Value Based Care in 2030

How I Can Help

Leadership with Vision and Strategic Planning

Board Level Advisory based on Today and Future Projections

Strategic Planning Direction, Development, and Implementation

Marketing Knowledge and Market Planning

Sales Leads Converted to Closing based on Marketing Assessment/Intellegence

Representing/Speaking/Writing on Behalf of Company/Product/Service/Strategy

Government Network Involvement and Representation

Company/Product Representation within the Healthcare Network

“Businesses must prepare for the future. They cannot wait until the future overwhelms their current strategy.” - John Derr

Contact Me:

My Experience and Involvement

25 Advisory Board

9 Board Of Directors

3 CMS Grants

12 Committees

2 Congressional Oversight

1 Qualified


Amalga Interoperability HIT

  • Result of Involvement: Change of Marketing Strategy

  • Skill: Sales

  • Type: Advisory Board

Pfizer Pharmaceutical

Pneumonia Vaccine for Elderly

  • Result of Involvement: Placed on the Market for the Elderly and SNF

  • Skill: Marketing

  • Type: Advisory Board

E.R. Squibb & Sons, Inc.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

  • Result of Involvement: Acquired by Bristol Myers

  • Skill: Strategic Planning

  • Type: Advisory Board


Diagnostic Imaging (CT/US/NM)

  • Result of Involvement: Product Leadership

  • Skill: Sales/Marketing/Product Development

  • Type: Advisory Board


International Hospitals

  • Results of Involvement: Market Leadership

  • Skill: Leadership/Sales/Construction, Management and DME

  • Type: Advisory Board


Formed $100M DME DIV

  • Result of Involvement: Market Leadership

  • Skill: Leadership/Management

  • Type: Advisory Board

Moving Forward - American Academy of Science and Medicine

SNF Quality of Care/Technology

  • Result of Involvement: On Going

  • Skill: SNF Management/Clinical/Technology

  • Type: Advisory Board

Transitions of Care Center Think Tank (Newt Gingrich)

Bird Flu Pandemic

  • Result of Involvement: Report

  • Skill: Knowledge

  • Type: Advisory Board

LTPAC Health IT Collaborative


  • Result of Involvement: Recognized by CMS/ONC and Providers on Policy

  • Skill: Leadership/Strategic Planning/Policy/Regulatory

  • Type: Advisory Board

Siemens Medical Systems

Diagnostic (CT, MRI, Nuclear Equipment)

  • Result of Involvement: A Strategic Plan and Focus on Market Planning

  • Skill: Market Planning VP Education

  • Type: Advisory Board

NQF HITEC Group National Quality Forum

2009 HITECH Act Quality Measures

  • Result of Involvement: Successful Contract with CMS

  • Skill: Strategic Planning/Marketing Knowledge

  • Type: Advisory Board

National Quality Forum (NQF) Technical Expert Panel on Quality Measures for EHRs

Quality of Care

  • Result of Involvement: Adopted by CMS

  • Skill: Reviewed Quality Measures for CMS

  • Type: Advisory Board

Purdue School of Pharmacy Dean's AB

Educational Development

  • Result of Involvement: Awarded Purdue Distinguished Alumnus

  • Skill: Strategic Planning

  • Type: Advisory Board

Indiana Kelly School of Business - Entrepreneurial Program

Business Executive Development

  • Result of Involvement: Indiana U Kelly School of Business Program

  • Skill: Leadership/Strategic Planning

  • Type: Advisory Board

Shared Healthcare Systems (SHS) Software

EMR for LTPAC Provider

  • Result of Involvement: Acquired

  • Skill: Leadership/Strategic Planning/Marketing/Product Development

  • Type: Advisory Board

CarePort Health

Interoperability HIT

  • Result of Involvement: Acquired

  • Skill: Strategic Planning/Sales

  • Type: Advisory Board


Health IT Interoperability

  • Result of Involvement: Leader in Interoperability Software

  • Skill: Strategic Planning/Sales

  • Type: Advisory Board


PHR Software

  • Result of Involvement: A multi Year/Sales Contract- Redirection Strategic Strategy. Developers were in the Ukraine and the war with Russia halted business

  • Skill: Sales/Clinical Technology/Strategic Planning

  • Type: Advisory Board as Chief Clinical Technology Advisor

Blue Orange Strategic Compliance

LTPAC Security Compliance

  • Result of Involvement: Leading Market Share in LTPAC Security

  • Skill: Strategic Planning/Sales

  • Type: Advisory Board

German Owned Los Angeles Chain of LTC Hospitals

LTC Hospitals

  • Result of Involvement: Acquired

  • Skill: Interoperability

  • Type: Advisory Board

Riverside Partners

Software Vendor

  • Result of Involvement: Acquired

  • Skill: Strategic Planning/Market Knowledge

  • Type: Advisory Board

Home Care Technology Association of America (HCTAA) (NACH)

Home and Hospice Care

  • Result of Involvement: Strategic Plan

  • Skill: Leadership/Strategic Planning/Policy

  • Type: Advisory Board

US Service Member Software

Armed Force Member - Spouse Software

  • Result of Involvement: Aquired

  • Skill: Strategic Planning

  • Type: Advisory Board

Naval Reserve Association

Naval Reserves

  • Result of Involvement: Association Growth

  • Skill: Leadership/Strategic Planning

  • Type: Advisory Board

Naval Senior Officers Command SouthWest USA

Strategic Planning

  • Result of Involvement: Chair of Group of 10+ Senior (Captains) Naval Officers

  • Skill: Leadership/Strategic Planning

  • Type: Advisory Board


Medication Dispensing Instrument

  • Result of Involvement: Increased Sales and Acquired

  • Skill: Strategic Planning, Fiduciary, Sales

  • Type: Board of Director

American Health Care Association (AHCA)/National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) Foundation

LTPAC Research Funds

  • Result of Involvement: Re-established the Foundation

  • Skill: Leadership/Strategic Planning

  • Type: Board of Director

American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) Foundation

Pharmacy and Medication Management

  • Result of Involvement: Re-established the Foundation

  • Skill: Leadership/Management

  • Type: Board of Director

Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT) Board of Trustees

Certification of EMRs

  • Result of Involvement: Strategic Plan and Acquisition

  • Skill: Management

  • Type: Board of Director



  • Result of Involvement: Reorganization

  • Skill: Strategic Planning/Policy/Fiduciary

  • Type: Board of Director

Kyocera Kinamed Orthopedic Division

Ceramic Human Implants

  • Result of Involvement: Reorganization

  • Skill: Leadership/Management/ Fiduciary/Sales/Marketing/ Product Development

  • Type: Board of Director

Metalaser - Australia

Copper Laser Tech - Blemish Removal

  • Result of Involvement: Acquired Company from Australians

  • Skill: Leadership/Management/ Fiduciary/Sales/Marketing/ Product Development

  • Type: Owner Board of Director

International Remote Imaging Systems (IRIS) (5 years later)

Urinalysis Automation

  • Result of Involvement: Acquired

  • Skill: Strategic Planning/Fiduciary

  • Type: Board of Director

International Remote Imaging Systems (IRIS) (First time)

Urinalysis Automation

  • Result of Involvement: Took Public

  • Skill: Strategic Planning, Fiduciary, Marketing/Sales

  • Type: Board of Director

Lewin Corp - Technical Expert Panel (TEP)

Long Term Services and Support (LTSS)

  • Result of Involvement: Grant Completed

  • Skill: Product Development/Policy/Market Knowledge

  • Type: CMS Grant

Rand Corp Technical Expert Panel (TEP)

SNF Medication Management

  • Result of Involvement: Grant Completed

  • Skill: Recommendations to CMS on Medication Management

  • Type: CMS Grant


Evaluation and Technical Support

  • Result of Involvement: Grant Completed

  • Skill: Market Knowledge

  • Type: CMS Grant

Federal Advisory Board on IT Standards - 2009 HITAC Act/ONC

Health Information Technology

  • Result of Involvement: Leadership in Healthcare IT

  • Skill: Market Knowledge/Policy/Regulations

  • Type: Committee

LTPAC CIO Consortium


  • Result of Involvement: Leadership/Knowledge of LTPAC CIOs

  • Skill: Market Knowledge/Policy/Regulations

  • Committee:

Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

Health Information Technology

  • Result of Involvement: Acute Care and LTPAC Technology Harmony

  • Skill: Leadership/Market Knowledge/Policy/Regulations

  • Type: Committee

Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS)


  • Result of Involvement: Interoperability Between LTPAC and Acute Care

  • Skill: Leadership/Market Knowledge/Policy/Regulations

  • Type: Committee

American Medical Director Association (AMDA)

SNF Medical Directors

  • Result of Involvement: Interoperability Between SNF and Physician

  • Skill: Market Knowledge/Policy/Regulations

  • Type: Committee

American Health Care Association (AHCA)/National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) Foundation

Health IT Interoperability

  • Result of Involvement: Successful Committee

  • Skill: Leadership/Market Knowledge/Policy/Regulations

  • Type: Committee


LTPAC Health IT Vendors

  • Result of Involvement: Successful Committee

  • Skill: Leadershiip/Market Knowledge/Policy/Regulations

  • Type: Committee

ASCP Policy Committee


  • Result of Involvement: Successful Committee

  • Skill: Market Knowledge/Policy/Regulations

  • Type: Committee

Office of the National Coordinator (ONC)

Patient Engagement

  • Result of Involvement: Focus on Patient Engagement

  • Skill: Market Knowledge

  • Type: Committee

HRSA Critical Asses Rural Health and VA


  • Result of Involvement: Veteran Choice Program

  • Skill: Market Knowledge/Policy/Regulations

  • Type: Committee

Minnesota Technology Committee

LTPAC Interoperability

  • Result of Involvement: Minnesota Interoperability

  • Skill: Market Knowledge/Policy/Regulations

  • Type: Committee

Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity

National Leadership Committee

  • Result of Involvement: New Leadership Program for the largest Fraternity

  • Skill: Leadership

  • Type: Committee

VA Committee on Special Devices (Prosthesis)

Veteran Prosthesis Support

  • Result of Involvement: Better Prosthesis VA Programs and Support

  • Skill: Market Knowledge

  • Type: Congressional Oversite

VA Committee on Geriatrics

Veteran Geriatric Support

  • Result of Involvement: Evaluated Program

  • Skill: Market Knowledge

  • Type: Congressional Oversite

The Pentagon Department of Defense Assistant Secretary of Health Affairs

Military Health Programs

  • Result of Involvement: Certified for Crisis Room

  • Skill: Market Knowledge/Policy/Regulations

  • Type: Qualified

Written Contributions

Since 2000 I have been involved in writing numerous articles on Long-Term and Post Acute Care. These settings include, but are not limited to, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Assisted Living Facilities, Home Care Agencies, Long-Term Hospitals, and PACE (Programs for All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly). My knowledge has been increased by being a Congressional Appointed member of the HITECH Act Federal Advisory Committee on IT Standards; SVP/CIO for a billion-dollar Multiple Provider Corporation; Interim CIO during COVID of a Regional SNF Company; On the Board of Trustees for the CCHIT; and cofounder of the LTPAC Health IT Collaborative, which holds near weekly calls since 2005, (see www.LTPACHIT.org).

Representative List of Written Contributions

(1/3) Developing Quality Measures for Longitudinal Care

(2/3) Adopting Care Bundles and Electronically Transmitted Quality Measures

(3/3) Getting From Here to There with Longitudinal Quality Measures

A Call To Action

An Introduction to Health Information Technology in LTPAC Settings

Health Information Technology Use & Value Delivered By The Long-Term & Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) Sector

Technology reaches further into long-term and post-acute care policy

What People Are Saying

"John is a great role model for finding ways to improve our healthcare system. His insight is excellent."

- Robert "Bob" Latz, PT, DPT, CHCIO, CDH-E, FCHIME, FHIMSS


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What People Are Saying

A man for all seasons: John Derr

Now 87, Derr is completing his 60th year in healthcare. To many, he is known as a former executive vice president at the American Health Care Association and former CIO of Golden Living.

He’s also in his 21st year as a technical affairs leader for ADVION, where executive vice president Cynthia Morton describes him as “a guy who really moved the needle nationally for LTC in health  information technology.”

But that barely scratches the surface of the companies, federal panels, advisory boards and other endeavors he’s taken part in. From pharmacy to nuclear medicine breakthroughs to imaging technology and healthcare software, Derr has seemed to only increase the complexity of his pursuits as he’s aged.

Read full text here
By James M. Berklan
McKnights Long-Term Care News 2023
A salute to an LTC Legend

This post is a tribute to another person behind the scenes in long-term care, someone who has blended the field of aging with the field of technology. Over the past several decades, without any fanfare, this man has shaped the standards and vision of technology and aging, particularly long term care, in ways that will benefit the industry for decades to come. Join me as we raise a verbal toast to Mr. John Derr.

I’ve known John for over a decade, not as a close friend, just as a casually friendly acquaintance. My respect for him has always been immense. I first met him when Golden Living had him come to our office to evaluate iN2L. We were a fledging startup working out of a residential duplex with maybe 3 or 4 employees. He treated me and our team with a tremendous amount of respect that I will never forget. Our technology holes were blatant at that time but he appreciated our passion and the fact we jumped off the cliff to start something. Not once sense of patronization at our inexperience and lack of resources

Read full text here
By Jack York
McKnights Long-Term Care News 2017
John Frederick Derr, RPh, FASCP, has been Inducted into the Prestigious Marquis Who's Who Biographical Registry

John Frederick Derr is recognized for his expertise as a senior strategy consultant with the LORAN Consulting Group.

John Frederick Derr, RPh, FASCP, has been included in Marquis Who's Who. As in all Marquis Who's Who biographical volumes, individuals profiled are selected on the basis of current reference value. Factors such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and prominence in a field are all taken into account during the selection process.

A skilled healthcare executive with more than six decades of excellence in managing skilled nursing, assisted living, mental health and hospice facilities, Mr. Derr has earned distinction as a senior strategy consultant for the LORAN Consulting Group. Since 2016, he has focused his efforts on providing assistance for healthcare professionals, specializing in the regulatory domain and strategic clinical technology that is capable of helping post-acute care providers with novel care delivery and payment models.

Read full text here
By Marquis Who's Who
24-7 Press Release, September 11, 2023

John Derr, RPh, FASCP

Strategic Planning with Confidence

Contact Me:

The NinthWave ConceptTM News (Blog)